NEW! Q. Do you provide free live support through Windows Messenger and Remote Assistance?
A. Yes. Occasionaly, I am online and ready to provide live support for yProxy. If you require immediate or advanced support via Remote Assistance, please login to Windows Messenger and contact me via my Windows Messenger sign-in name yProxy.
Remote Assistance allows you to share your desktop so that I can actually see the problem. You can even give me temporary control of your desktop for quick and advanced troubleshooting. You can watch me as I resolve your issues. This can be a great learning tool. I am a professional web, network, and security expert and software engineer. I am able to resovle your issues quickly and expertly while you watch.
yProxy pays for Friday pizza night for my family and helps with the occasional bill, but I still keep a regular full-time job and am occasionally also a full-time student. I'm online and available when I can be. I truly appreciate each of my yProxy users and I enjoy helping them, but there is no guaranteed level of live support. Registered yProxy Pro users will always get priority over other yProxy users.
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