NEW! Q. How do I get started with yProxy Pro?
A. Once you've downloaded, installed, ran, and entered your registration information into yProxy Pro, you will need to configure your newsreader and yProxy Pro the first time you use it. In your start menu, you will find a shortcut to a configuration wizard that will help you automatically configure your existing Outlook Express and Windows Mail news accounts for use with yProxy Pro. For other news readers, or to configure Outlook Express or Windows Mail manually, please use the walk-throughs located in yProxy's Help file. Please select Help|Contents... From yProxy's main menu to access yProxy's help file. There is also a troubleshooting guide located in the help file.
Once you have yProxy Pro and your newsreader configured, please always ensure that yProxy Pro is running and started (by pressing yProxy Pro's Start button) before you run your newsreader.
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